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Kurt Van der Elst


LOD muziektheater

LOD muziektheater

Collaborative Composition for Cross-Cultural Ensembles

“An orchestration of personalities”

26 - 28 April 2023

LOD muziektheater


The workshop invites emerging composers to submit compositions for members of Ensemble Zar, led by composer Bushra El-Turk.


Composers will have the opportunity to workshop their pieces of 3-5 minutes long with members of Ensemble Zar, explore a variety of approaches they might need to express their musical ideas when encountering cross-cultural ensembles, observe an open rehearsal of Vane ahead of its world premiere at Concertgebouw Brugge on 28th April 2023, and listen to thought-provoking talks given by Bushra El-Turk on her practice and the ensemble members on their respective cultural and musical aesthetics, followed by a final performance of composers’ work.


There will also be a lecture by Olmo Cornelis. Cornelis researched how to use computational techniques to describe music away from Western musical concepts. The results offer new possibilities for composers and musicians in the use of timbres, scales, vocal and instrumental techniques, among others.

At the end of the course, composers will have gained a deeper and broader understanding of writing for cross-cultural ensembles, created some of their own systems of expressing their musical ideas across to musicians of different cultural traditions and how that might be serve their own artistic voice as well as methods of creative collaboration. They will also have a video recording of their pieces in performance.


 Practical informations


Date: From April 26th to 28th 2023

Place: Concertgebouw Brugge, ‘t Zand 34, 8000 Brugge


No application or participation fees 
If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact Ann Hellemans via ann@lod.be



 Application process


- the artist must be connected to one of the 12 enoa member institutions*
- the artist must contact her sending institution, which decides if they recommend her application
- the artist must apply online: please click here
- the network assumes the responsibility for the training fees, the costs of accommodation and travel

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to their personal situation.


The enoa network is actively seeking to support artists currently under-represented in the opera world for historical, cultural or social reasons.

More information on enoa’s commitments


*artists not connected to the network yet can also apply to this specific workshop



 Artistic requirements


To apply, artist must send:


- 3 works (compositions, cross culture compositions if possible – scores or mp3 or video)

- motivation letter

- CV


The selected composers will be asked to compose a 3 to 5 minutes work for ZAR (3 musicians) and send the composition at least 2 weeks before the workshop.




Artist must apply online: please click here


The deadline to apply is February 12, 2023. We will let all applicants know on February 20, 2023 whether they are selected or not. 

Selected participants are required to write a piece of music of 3-5 minutes for 1, 2 or 3 of the instruments by Ensemble ZAR: taegum (by Hyelim Kim), accordion (by Milos Milivojevic) and kamancheh (by Faraz Eshghi Sahraei). You will receive a video recording of the musicians introducing the instruments. 

The deadline to submit this composition is April 1, 2023, giving the ensemble the time to rehearse in advance. 


