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LOD muziektheater

LOD muziektheater

Co-creation in Opera and Music Theatre

mentored by An De bisschop & An Van den Bergh

05 - 07 June 2024

LOD muziektheater

The main objective of this workshop is to share expertise and meet other artists in the field of participatory arts practice. We invite participants to bring a piece of their own work to discuss participatory arts practice in opera and music theatre.


This workshop will be led by An De bisschop & An Van den Bergh and additional guest speakers. An Van den Bergh (info & bio) is an independent expert and process supervisor in participation and inclusion in the arts and culture sector. An De bisschop is lecturer at KASK/Conservatory Ghent and visiting professor at Ghent University (https://www.cesamm.eu), her teaching and research is focused on participatory music practices.


We use the group as a sounding board and link personal learning experiences to issues that are discussed in various substantive modules :


Module 1: Vision & background on participatory music practices

Module 2: Dealing with power differences

Module 3: Artistic-participatory strategies in co-creation 

Module 4: Musicians and the social impact of music making


 Practical informations

Dates: 5-6-7 JUNE 2024

Place: LOD muziektheater - Bijlokekaai 3 - 9000 Ghent (Belgium)



 Application process

There are 12 spots in total – 10 for artists connected to enoa partner organisations and 2 artists from an open call.

To apply you have to send:

- CV or bio (with, when applicable, highlight on contemporary challenges already tackled during the artist's career)

and indicate your previous experiences with co-creation in the opera world

- Short motivation letter (max half page) to specify your interests and needs you would like to discuss during the workshop

If you are connected to an enoa partner organisation: you must contact your sending institution, which decides if they recommend their application. If they support your application, you can apply by mailing to liesbet@lod.be with the contact of your sending organisation.

If you are not connected to an enoa partner organisation: you can apply directly by mailing to liesbet@lod.be.


The network takes the responsibility for the training fees, the costs of accommodation and travel for all participants.

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration without regard to their personal situation.

The enoa network is actively seeking to support artists currently under-represented in the opera world for historical, cultural or social reasons.

More information on enoa’s commitments






There are 12 spots in total – 10 for enoa members and 2 from an open call.


 Artistic requirements

Application requirements:

- CV or bio (with, when applicable, highlight on contemporary challenges already tackled during the artist's career) and indicate your previous experiences with co-creation in the opera world

- Short motivation letter (max half page) to specify your interests and needs you would like to discuss during the workshop

- Artists who are not singers, dramaturgs, musicians, librettists or composers are also invited to apply, if they are working on participatory projects.


You can apply by sending an email to: liesbet@lod.be - including your CV or bio + motivation letter




See all professions (2)

